The Food Economy: Efficiencies, Gaps, and Policies

Course Title: The Food Economy - Efficiencies, Gaps, and Policies (AREC/NAFS/NSC 365)

Instructor: Na Zuo

Gen Ed Category: Building Connections

Gen Ed Attribute: Quantitative Reasoning, Diversity and Equity

Type of Assignment: Course-based undergraduate research (CURE) project

Few questions are more fundamental than how we feed the world’s people. Yet, the coexistence of food insecurity and food waste begs the question: how can we feed the population efficiently, sustainably, and equitably? This course familiarizes students with the food economy and its efficiencies while identifying where gaps occur as food flows from producers to consumers. These gaps frequently lead to food insecurity with a less healthy population, as well as food waste, an issue in more developed societies.  By examining 1) the food supply chain and markets, 2) food insecurity, 3) food loss and waste along the food supply chain and 4) food policies through the lens of marginalized populations, students will gain insights into the economic forces that shape the food system. This course stimulates critical thinking and problem solving through economic, nutritional science and policy-making perspectives, which may lead to potential resolutions for those who struggle to afford and consume healthy, wholesome foods.

Project Objective: Research food security issues on our campus and provide primary data analysis to UA Campus Pantry. In Fall 2024, we will focus on faculty and academic advisors and investigate their role in raising the awareness and effectiveness of the Campus Pantry and Campus Closet.

Project Learning Outcomes:  By the end of this project, you will be able to  

  • Define a food challenge as a specific question or hypothesis
  • Synthesize related evidence in the literature
  • Design a feasible research plan
  • Collect, analyze, and transform data to information  
  • Discuss research results in a socioeconomic context
  • Apply the results to address the food challenge

Background: This course project is designed to connect you with authentic food challenges in our community. According to a 2016 UA campus climate survey, 20 percent of UA undergraduates reported skipping a meal because of lack of money. Based on the course project done by students in AREC/NAFS 365 in Fall 2020, food insecurity among UA students doubled during the pandemic (Arizona Daily Wildcat, 2021). UA Campus Pantry is at the frontline in addressing food insecurity on campus, with the mission to alleviate hunger in the UA Wildcat community by providing food assistance to those in need. This project provides you with the unique opportunity to contribute to the mission. You are expected to work collectively throughout the semester and deliver an individual written report and group presentation at the end of the semester. 

Project Tasks: the project will proceed through the following developmental steps:

  1. Assign project and match topics
  2. Define the Questions
  3. Literature Review
  4. Survey Design
  5. Data Collection
  6. Data Analysis 
  7. Result reporting

  1. Assign project and match topics
  • Knowledge of and attitude towards student food insecurity (Section #1)
  • Knowledge of the Campus Pantry and other Basic Need resources on-and-off campus (Section #2)
  • Attitude and practices of engaging food insecure students (Section#3)
  • Demographics (Section#4)

Deliverable: each group selects a section of the project from the list above to be the focus of their group work moving forward.

  1. Define the Questions
  • Within your section topic, what are some questions you would like to know?
  • Narrow down your group question lists to no more than three questions to focus your research on.
  • Can you articulate your questions into research hypotheses?

Deliverable: define precise and concrete research questions and/or hypotheses and write one paragraph to explain the research background of its importance, impacts and key aspects. For example, why are the research questions important and urgent? [importance] Who are impacted by the research in general and in particular? [impacts]

  1. Literature Review
  • Search and identify the literature related to your specific question(s).
  • Summarize each article.
  • Synthesize literature with consensus, debates, and gaps.

Deliverable: two-to-three-page (double spaced) writeup to review related literature. At least 5 related journal articles should be reviewed. UA Library provides help on conducting a literature review and how to cite.

  1. Survey Design
  • What specific knowledge you would like to gain from the survey questions and/or focus group interviews?
  • What survey question and answer style should be used?
  • What are your interview questions for your focus group?
  • How to phrase interview questions, survey questions and answers to obtain accurate responses?
  • How to test the survey/interview design?

Deliverable: A complete set of survey questions of your section drafted in a WORD document, revised based on focus group testing.

  1. Data Collection
  • How to select survey respondents?
  • How to calculate the number of survey respondents you need?
  • What is the survey format and distribution media? 
  • How to build the survey online in Qualtrics? Access to Qualtrics Surveys free at UofA.
  • How to distribute the survey? How to follow up with nonresponses?
  • How to conduct a focus group interview?

Deliverable: A written sampling and distribution plan. The survey is built and distributed via Qualtrics; targeted the number of survey respondents are reached; raw response data and survey report is generated and exported from Qualtrics; and/or focus group interviews are conducted.

In this part of project tasks, groups are split to work on different tasks as listed later in the Project Calendar. Specific task expectations are:

Task expectations:

Sampling Plan: a two-page write-up that addresses questions such as

  • What is the population of the survey project?
  • How large should the sample be? Explain.
  • How to select the sample?
  • How to distribute the survey?

Suggested reference: READ | How to Conduct Your Own Survey (Salant and Dillman, 1994) Ch.5 When and How to Select a Sample.

Build the survey in Qualtrics

6. Data analysis 

  • How to export and clean the raw data to prepare for further analysis?
  • How to summarize different types of data into information?
  • How to present information in tables and graphs for better communication?
  • What is the best computer program to conduct the analysis?

Deliverable: A two-page infographic includes:

  • Title and/or subtitle that highlight the topics
  • 8-15 data information professionally presented, in which at least 5 charts, tables, and/or figures are included 
  • Concise and minimal texts for each statistic or charts to highlight the key points
  • Two 8.5’’×11’’ letter pages OR two PPT slide size (standard or wide)
  • An Excel file includes: 

    • the cleaned dataset
    • the operations to generate the statistics and charts in the infographic
    • Statistics and chart clearly labeled for easy identification

7. Result reporting

  • How to interpret research results?
  • What specific knowledge have you gained from the survey and interview responses?
  • How would you apply the results to reduce the food insecurity in the UofA community? What are some specific suggestions you would propose?
  • How can these results help UA Campus Pantry?
  • What are the limitations of study?

Deliverable: one project presentation (group) and one written report (individual). 

Project Division of Labor

  • The class will be divided into groups and each group will choose a specific set of questions related to campus food insecurity to research on (see section numbers listed under “Define the Question”). Each group will conduct most procedure activities throughout the semester, while some tasks are distributed among groups. Please refer to the Project Calendar for details. We will also allocate class time for groups to report back and discuss the project progress. 

Each group will:

  • Prepare a brief 3-to-4-minute infographic poster presentation with additional time for audience questions.
  • Present a clear and cohesive report (this means you need to practice)
  • Presentations will be evaluated using the Rubric Below


A level - Excellent

B level –


C level - Adequate

D level - Needs improvement

E level –


Point value






Content – complete and accurate

Informative, well organized, accurate, explanations easy to follow and understand. 

Informative mostly well organized, accurate, good explanations, but may have missed a few points. 

Areas of good content and other areas where content inaccurate, incomplete and/or difficult to follow.

Some content inaccurate, incomplete, lacks detail and is difficult to understand.

Content inaccurate, incomplete, may not be relevant and difficult to understand or follow.

Point value







Well done, accurate, easy to understand; an accurate depiction of the data.

Mostly well done and easy to understand; few instances where data not clearly depicted.

Some visuals well done others need significant improvement for accuracy or understanding.

Visuals provided but several do not provide accurate depiction of data.

Visuals difficult to understand and/or inaccurate or inappropriate to explain data.

Point value






Presentation and Q&A 

Present the infographic clear and concise with convincing results. Address audience questions well with confidence

Present the infographic clear and concise with results most of the time. Maybe rushed and unclear sometimes. Address audience questions well.

Present the infographic rushed and unclear half the time. Address audience questions well at times.

Present the infographic rushed and unclear most of the time. Address audience questions poorly.

Inadequate or too much information for allotted time. Not able to address audience questions most of the time.

The completed project will require each student to complete a written report. The report is an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning in the project. The final written report should be about 5 to 6 pages long (double spaced), in addition to the references, tables and/or figures. It should have 12-point font and 1” margins. It should include:

  • Reflect and summarize the project procedure and your involvement of the project from step 1 to 7 listed on page 1 to 3 of this assignment document.
  • Summarize the key findings and recommendations from your group project and citing key statistics that generated by your group project.
  • A key learning goal of this project is to increase your content knowledge of food insecurity and survey methodology. Reflecting on your own learning experience, do you believe this was achieved? Please describe your thinking and provide an example to illustrate your point.
  • A key learning goal of this project is to increase your competency of quantitative reasoning, such as analytical and technical skills of working with quantitative information. Reflecting on your own learning experience, do you believe this was achieved? Please describe your thinking and provide an example to illustrate your point.
  • A key learning goal of this project is to improve your oral and written communication skills. Reflecting on your own learning experience, do you believe this was achieved? Please describe your thinking and provide an example to illustrate your point.
  • A key learning goal of this project is to advance your collaboration skills in the scientific process. Reflecting on your own learning experience, do you believe this was achieved? Please describe your thinking and provide an example to illustrate your point.
  • How would you suggest improving the learning experience for future students in the course?


A level - Excellent

B level –


C level - Adequate

D level - Needs improvement

E level –


Point value






Content -- 

Content informative, accurate, detailed; well-supported with evidence 

Content informative & mostly accurate; good support with adequate details

Content may stray from topic; notable inaccuracies; lacks evidentiary support & details 

Content not always related to topic; many inaccuracies; few details’ lacks evidentiary support 

Content not relevant or accurate; few to no details or evidentiary support

Point value







Well organized

Adequate organization

Parts organized, others lacking

Poor organization

No organization


Cohesive and complete details

A couple of details missing, but mostly complete and cohesive

Parts are good, while other section are incomplete and not cohesive

Information not easy to follow

Incomplete and does not track

Writing Mechanics and readability

Report has few or no errors in spelling 

Report has few to several errors in spelling, punctuation and/or grammar: readable

Report is readable, but contains numerous grammar/spelling errors

Report has many errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar; difficult to read

Report is unreadable


Complete and cited correctly

Mostly complete and cited correctly

Missing some citation areas; mistakes in citation style

Incomplete and many errors in form

Too few or no citations

Peer Evaluation 

All group members should contribute to the group work. To address individual accountability in the group, confidential “peer group evaluations” might be conducted. Each group member would evaluate one another on the quality and quantity of their group contributions (a rubric will be provided). Your final grade on the project could be adjusted based upon the peer group evaluations.

Tips for Success

  1. Presentation of the report - My belief is that when you lack substance, you tend to compensate for the deficiency with a flashy appearance. Thus, I generally discourage intricate binding and photos that contribute little to the analysis. That said, well-used graphics (tables and charts) can be invaluable ways of easily communicating complex ideas.
  2. Do not plagiarize – Never, ever even think about highlighting a piece of text from another source (website, annual report, etc.) and pasting it into your document. This is plagiarism and the first incident of it will result in you earning a zero on this assignment. 
  3. Know your audience – UA Campus Pantry is your audience, as well as Dr. Zuo. What better way to know your audience than to simply ask what is important? Include them when you have completed substantial research, and you would like some guidance on how to continue. 
  4. Be creative – This is the opportunity in this class to truly be creative. The world appears to reward creativity and so it will be with this assignment. Have some fun with the assignment. 

Common Mistakes

  1. ‘Elevator analysis’ – Students will often write, “The demand for XXX will be high”. This is not useful information unless you defend your statement with data and/or citations from reliable sources. The important and convincing information is why the demand will be high or what drives the demand? Do your research and provide a convincing report. 
  2. Professional Writing –Write and edit your plan professionally, e.g., keep consistent table formats, avoid splitting one table into two pages, avoid very long paragraphs and long sentences for easy reading, use in-text citation whenever you are citing data or statistics that you did not produce yourself. Seek help at the UA Writing Center if necessary. Writing is an essential skill for life that definitely worth your time to invest in and improve. 

Have fun!

The signature assignment in AREC/NAFS/NSC 365 is an authentic research project. Guided by the Experiential Learning Design Accelerator program and CURE Training Institute at the UA, the research project connects students with relevant and authentic food challenges in local communities and further guides students in analyzing and researching, leading to student-driven discoveries and solutions. The signature assignments have been partnered with various campus partners including UA Campus Pantry & Closet, Office of Assessment and Research, Housing & Residential Life, and the Basic Need Coalition at UA.  Through the signature assignment experience, students advance skills in scientific thinking, research, collaboration, and quantitative reasoning, achieving the specific course learning outcome “Research food gap issues on campus or in local community and provide primary data analysis to campus of community agencies.”

In the class setting, project partners, like the Campus Pantry, serve as stakeholders or clients and engage with the class in three key points. At the beginning of the semester, the Campus Pantry director will give a guest talk and charge the class with the signature assignment. In the middle of the semester, a survey draft designed by students will be presented to the project partner and feedback will be provided. At the end of the semester, the project partner will serve as judges in student project presentations. The instructor teaches and guides the students in specific scientific practice during project skill lectures, which are carried out parallel to the project's progress. 

The assignment encourages students to engage in perspective-taking through various channels. The class would visit the Campus Pantry to gain first-hand experience. Continuous engagements with project partners enhance the understanding of the stakeholders’ needs. Through survey design and pilot, students gain perspectives through the lens of underserved population, such as food insecure individuals on campus.  

The design of the signature assignment follows the Experiential Learning and Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) framework. Both the Experiential Learning and CURE motivate student learning through authenticity and relevance of the learning experience. The five key elements of CURE are multiple scientific practices, collaboration, iteration, discovery, and broad impact. The use of scientific practices exposes students to scientific research and offers students the opportunity to engage in the process of developing research questions, collecting data, designing tools and models, and carrying out/communicating findings. Iteration stresses the importance of repeating or testing out different methods to address an issue. Collaboration calls for students to improve their research outcomes and communication skills through the interaction of peer reviews. Discovery is the step where students are able to build on their current research and extend the impact beyond the classroom. The process of scientific practices, iteration, collaboration, and discovery helps students better understand the research topic and develop their technical, analytical, and communication skills. The five elements are common activities and not unique to the CURE framework. Integrating all five elements into a scalable course setting makes the CURE learning experience different from a traditional laboratory course, inquiry laboratory course, or a research internship.

Suggested citation: 

Zuo, N. (2025). The Food Economy: Efficiencies, Gaps, and Policies Signature Assignment. University of Arizona High Impact Practices in General Education: Exceptional Signature Assignment Repository.

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