
High Impact Practices in General Education 

High Impact Practices (HIPs) are research-based instructional strategies that have the potential to improve students' educational outcomes. To be effective, HIPs should be implemented with intentionality, fidelity, and equity. 

This website provides examples of HIPs in General Education at the University of Arizona and is intended to be a professional development resource for instructors to support the implementation of HIPs in General Education courses.

The refreshed General Education program at the University of Arizona was launched in Spring 2022. Further details about the General Education program's history can be found on the General Education website.

During the refresh, stakeholders from across the University collaborated to create an undergraduate General Education curriculum with intentional integration of evidence-based and high-impact teaching practices (HIPs), such as signature assignments and experiential learning. 

This website aims to highlight how HIPs are integrated into the General Education curriculum, to showcase examples of how HIPs are being used at UA, and to be a professional development resource for instructors who are incorporating HIPs into their courses.